Missão Norte da África
Serão aceitos apenas os formulários com respostas em inglês
1. Company Profile
Company Name:
Esta pergunta é obrigatória
CNPJ (make sure you inform the CNPJ your Company uses to export):
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Zip Code Country:
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2. Company Representative during the Mission
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Cell Phone:
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Esta pergunta é obrigatória
3 . Company Management
1. Sector of activity:
Food, Beverage and Agribusiness
Machines and Equipment
Vehicles and Auto parts
Construction & Home decoration
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Does your Company have offices abroad? If so. Where?
Esta pergunta é obrigatória
Does your company exports Directly or Indirectly?
We do not export
Directly to international buyers
Indirectly thought Tradings or partners in Brazil
Directly and Indirectly
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Year of establishment:
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How long has your Company been exporting?
Esta pergunta é obrigatória
Number of Employees:
Esta pergunta é obrigatória
How does you Company exports?
We do not export
Company brands only
Private labels (with supermarkets, for example)
Company and private labels
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Which are the countries your company exports to?
Esta pergunta é obrigatória
Does your Company have communications material (folders) in other languages? If so, which?
Esta pergunta é obrigatória
Does your Company have a website in other languages? If so, which?
Esta pergunta é obrigatória
4 . Company Product and Services
In Brief, the company profile
Describe, in detail, the products and services of your Company for this Mission:
Esta pergunta é obrigatória
What are the NCM (HS) codes of your products?
Esta pergunta é obrigatória
Does your product/service have any certifications in Brazil and/or in other countries?
Esta pergunta é obrigatória
Are the label of these products already adapted to other languages? If so, which?
Esta pergunta é obrigatória
5. Trade Mission
What kind of contact would you like to meet during the Trade Mission?
Buyers – Retail
Buyers – Wholesales
Buyers - Distributors
Potential representatives
Potential partners
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Describe the ideal contact that you would you like to meet during the Trade Mission:
Esta pergunta é obrigatória
Does your company already have a representative on the country? If so, what are their contact information?
Esta pergunta é obrigatória
Do you have contacts on Algeria, Egypt or Tunisia that you would like to meet during the Mission? If so, what are their contact information?
Esta pergunta é obrigatória
How would you rate your English fluency?
Esta pergunta é obrigatória
Any additional information? Specify
Esta pergunta é obrigatória
Nunca envie senhas pelo Formulários Google.